The student news site of Sacramento State University

The WELL wins “Best Virtual Program” for annual Best of Sac State poll

Kelly Kiernan

The WELL offers virtual counseling, fitness classes

The WELL transitioned some of their services to a virtual format for Sacramento State students to still utilize from home. 

The services range from counseling, health services and fitness sessions. 

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Maria Hernandez Mendez, a communication studies major, said she used to attend in-person fitness classes at The WELL, and now takes them online.

“Now that I’m home, I like to take the virtual classes because it helps me know what workouts I should do and also, the fitness coaches tell us what parts we are working,” Hernandez Mendez said via Instagram direct message.

The sessions are available via Instagram Live through The WELL’s page and are usually about an hour long. 

Along with fitness sessions being offered through Instagram TV, The WELL is also posting fitness challenge posts on their Instagram. 

Haley Georgalos, a communication studies major, said the fitness challenges have helped her workout without getting bored. 

“It’s helped me add more to my workout routine so I don’t get bored of doing the same things over and over,” Georgalos said via Instagram direct message. 

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We miss having you around 🥺 Even though we are apart, we’re doing our best to provide programs and resources for you to utilize from home. Here’s a few you can participate in and expect from us soon:⁣ ⁣ IGTV Workouts 🏋️| Workouts from our past IG Lives are now on our IGTV under “Virtual Fitness.” Live classes from the previous week will be posted every Friday if you missed a session! ⁣ ⁣ Climbing Photo Contest 🧗 | We want to see how you “climb” from home! Submit your creative photo to us by May 8th to be entered. Submissions will be posted on our IG the week of May 11th to see who gets 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! ⁣Link in bio. ⁣ Virtual Mindfulness 🧘| Virtual Mindfulness from our Recreational Therapist, Alivia, is now offered at 3pm on Tuesdays AND at 12:15pm on Thursdays! If you’re treating your body right, don’t forget to treat your mind right too! #WELLUpdates #HornetStrong #WELLFitness #WELLClimbing #WELLair

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Ronald Lutz, director of counseling services said it’s important for The WELL to serve students virtually – through both physical and mental health. 

“I think it’s terrific,” Lutz said. “It’s been really important to us collectively, from all the different units within The WELL, to really let students know what’s available and try to keep up our services as best we can to honor students and to provide services for them.”

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The WELL is currently offering both virtual and in-person therapy, although virtual is encouraged. Students interested in scheduling a counseling appointment must call (916) 278-6461 in order to set up an appointment. 

The WELL is also offering virtual medical screenings, as well as limited in-person visits, according to their COVID-19 FAQ. The WELL recommends students call the number above to schedule an appointment.

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