As part of Sexual Assault Awareness month, the Women's Resource Center will show "War Zone," a movie that explores sex, power and what happens when men threaten a woman's right to not be harassed.
By showing this movie, the center hopes to give the campus community a better understanding of what women go through daily, said Jessica Heskin, advocate for Violence and Sexual Assault Support Services.
"I don't think that there's a single woman who hasn't been harassed," Heskin said.
"I think that it's interesting to make the connection of harassment in everyday life and the sexual assault issue," Heskin said.
The movie, which is approximately 76 minutes long, deals with filmmaker Maggie Hadleigh-West who actively confronts men who treat her sexually.
According to the movie's Web site, Hadleigh-West turns her camera on men the same way men turn their aggression on her.
The Web site states Hadleigh-West reveals the anger, fear and frustration as well as affection, admiration and humor that characterizes relationships between men and women.
Patricia Grady, coordinator of the Women's Resource Center, said the movie is a poignant and intense look at the other side of how women feel when men objectify them.
Associate Professor Oriel Strickland of the psychology department said she is definitely going to see the movie but that she was going in with an open mind and with no expectations.
Strickland said sexual assault is inappropriate, juvenile, negative and that more discussion may help to prevent it from happening.
The film will be shown at noon on April 10 in the Women's Resource Center.