Gus Van Sant's "Milk" tells the story of the political challenges endured by Harvey Milk, who eventually becomes California's first openly gay elected official and is ultimately assassinated, along with...
Now that we are getting closer to the end of the semester, with some close to graduating, we need to have a talk about a situation that might arise when you go out into the workplace: SEX. Now, I'm not...
Get ready for art in the 21st century. Artists are tossing paint brushes and skipping the tedium of watching paint dry for the new age of artistic expression: Digital media. One such artist is Melanie...
"I'll give you $100 if you fart in front of me right now." There was no quiver in her voice or even a smile on her face. She was dead serious. The shock of the statement knocked me back into confusion....
You more than likely have never heard of Lee Atwater unless you're a political junkie. However, if you were a Democrat during the 1980s, you probably checked under your bed to make sure he wasn't there....
Noah and the Whale's debut album "Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down" takes you on a tuneful adventure somewhere between tragedy and comedy. Tragedy, in the sense that you can play this during a bad break-up...
KSSU 1580 AM DJs Evan Boylan, Liana Winternitz, Sean Rooney and Steven Gillis offer up an inside look at some of the student-run radio station's on-air programming. For more information about KSSU, visit...
Oliver Stone's "W." would have been funnier if it wasn't true. Okay, maybe it's not exactly true but like the movie "Titanic" even if the stories are fabricated, it doesn't change the fact that the ship...
Up for an adventure to Africa? How about swimming underwater off the African coast in a gigantic cluster of sardines being picked off by hungry ocean predators? You don't have to find your passport or...
When you first walk into Sacramento State's KSSU station, you feel like you just walked into a party that you weren't invited to. Numerous students are strewn out across two mismatched couches; one forest...
You've got five minutes to be in your Placer Hall class for a presentation. Your eyes throb from sitting in front of a computer screen until dawn because, last night, you started that paper your professor...
Are you ready for some punk? You better be or you'll get swallowed up in the mosh pit when Goldfinger comes to Sacramento State at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday at the University Union Ballroom, along with The...
I'll never forget the first time that I got "it." I was in gym class, afraid to change because everybody had already gotten "theirs." Then it happened. All of sudden, I was irritable, angry, bloated, then...
According to the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary, the definition of righteous is: "acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt or sin." I wanted you to know this because Hollywood feels...
On Wednesday night, UNIQUE brought to Sacramento State the free comedy show of Alum Carlos Alazraqui ("Reno 911!") and Jill-Michele Melean ("Mad TV"). Approximately 300 students gathered to claim a patch...