Multiple swastikas were found at Sacramento State, according to a campus-wide email sent Friday afternoon. The first swastika was found on a classroom wall Thursday, while the other was found Friday morning on J Street near campus.
According to President Robert Nelsen, campus police are investigating both incidents. Nelsen also says the individual who drew the swastikas will be “held accountable.”
Currently, the university says they’re working to remove both swastikas as of Friday morning.
In the email, President Nelsen also iterated that the University will be implementing a walk-through system that will serve as a lookout for any future incidents of hate symbols and otherwise.
“We will also be instituting regular walk-throughs of all campus property by administrators to ensure our environment reflects our culture of care,” Nelsen said. “We must remain committed to proactively creating a campus culture that is safe and welcoming, and where everyone feels that they belong.”