AIRC set for expansion

Zack Jordan

The Academic Information Resource Center (AIRC) will be in the process of remodeling this semester at Sacramento State to expand the amount of seating in the building.

Sac State Vice President and Certified Information Officer of Information Resources and Technology Larry Gilbert said the remodel will be an extensive replacement of the study furnishing in the AIRC.

“Of note is the fact that the amount of study seating will increase by 10 to 15 percent. Another interesting feature is that the furnishings will be in Sac State colors,” said Gilbert.

Associate Chief Information Officer Christine Miller said they are updating the furniture in the common areas, increasing the number of seating to 500 seats and will have the Sac State logo on the wall.

However, she said the building is being renovated to meet university goals.

“This project demonstrates alignment with the following campus-wide strategic goals: enhancing student learning and success, exceling as a place to learn, work, live and visit and promoting strong university identity,” said Miller.

Miller also said the remodel is scheduled for spring break and it is projected to be finished before school is back in session, along with taking the furniture that is still in good condition and relocating it to other buildings on campus, or to other colleges.

“The AIRC is open 24/7 when the university is open, and students use the informal learning spaces around the clock. We worked with a furniture company on a layout to use the space as efficiently as possible,” said Miller.

Ashley Garza, biology major, uses the AIRC space frequently with her classmates to study for her organic chemistry class.

“I think it’s a good idea to expand the space,” said Garza, “When I get into groups to study for [organic chemistry], we always end up having to steal seats from other areas to get everyone to sit together because there’s never enough spaces.”

Garza also said the expansion in the space would not only allow more seating for study groups, but also provide less of a cramped space for all of the students who utilize the areas in the building.

“It’s going to make our campus look a lot better overall, and maybe increase student’s grades academically,” said Garza.