How to nix new-school nerves

How to nix new-school nerves

Alexandra Poggione

Shiva Chatkara


(The best place to) study is the AIRC (and) the

Library because they are so quiet and not a lot of

people are there and you

can use their labs.

Shannon Reuser


Get into an organization so you can meet people, since this is kind of a commuter school. It’s a good way to meet people and make friends. Try and make friends in your class as well, so you can study together.

Morgan Daly


Definitely read… because the first semester I didn’t read like I said I should, and I didn’t do as well. Yeah, definitely read. That’s the big thing that you need to do.

Michael Tran


Keep going to class and keep trying to get in.

Damariye Smith


I would recommend that specifically the freshman … check out (their) syllabus. It’s not like high school where they’re going to let you know – no one is holding your hand. For transfers … just kind of focus on getting adjusted to the campus.